Saturday, July 2, 2011

Real Talk III

Okay, so this subject s much harder for me as I do not claim to be or know intimately what makes a man tick. If I did, I would sell and sometimes donate the info to keep marriages together.... when its warrented. Here is what I do know. Men a re visual creatures. Because you are visual, your eyes are what you should be guarding the most. But the opposite is true. You look at whatever pleases you, which then goes straight to your head. Your "eyes wander" when you have a beautiful princess right at home. Why? Because you are limited creatures. This isnt a bad thing until you start believing you can do whatever on your own..... NEWS FLASH.... NO you cant!!!! Adam was given a helpmeet, not because he was not a manly man or because he didnt "fit the bill." But because God knew he wouldnt be able to finish HALF of what he was given to do without the one from his own rib.
Men, why do you believe that you are the head but then treat woMEN as the tail? Why do you believe that women should be more faithful than the geyser but yet you can run after everything with a "big butt and a smile?" This aint a Coke commercial! This is your life! Just as women are bitter after a break up that they didnt see coming, so men are equally as devastated and bitter if left alone to their own devices. Here is what the average man is known for.
At a young age, you are taught to look up girls skirts, not by someone showing you, but because of the laughter and high fives given when you do it for the first time. By the time you are 14-16 you are handed a condom. Whether you are told what to do or not, the expectation is you use it.... which most statistics are showing its not used. You are either a father because of conception or live birth by the time you have reached 20... some several times over but are taught to deny until the test results show *in my Maury voice* You ARE the father, yet you drop your pants for an Jane, Sarah and Michelle who has a short shirt or tight bottom.... heck if its a real she... you screwing her just to prove to others tha you can.
My question is, where are these you try to prove yourself to when child support comes around? Where are these so important people when your baby (ies) need diapers, bottles, formula or even care because the mama dont want em? Where are these ones who you MUST prove yourself to that you are not gay or that youcan "get it up" when you are in the clinic because the one you "got it in" with gave you something other than 30 seconds of bliss?? Lets face it, orgasm itself is a shorter time period than it takes to put your pants on. Is it worth all of that?
Lets skip ahead, what about the daughter(s) you have that run into the young "men" for lack of a better word, that treat them just like you have been their whole lives or like you treated their mama? Do you dare get upset and blow a fuse to get at that "fool" chasing after your lil hoodrat?? What you dont want her to be called that?? Well what about ho?? Slut?? Okay so what about her goin to the parties you went... or go to with someone else's daughter and getting the treatment you and your homies give them?? Dont like that idea? Well what's the difference? Because she is your? Who are you that your daughter is special and should be treated with the utmost respect when you didnt treat her/ her mom that way?
Here is the bottom line, keep your pants up high and your standards even higher and you wont have to feel like you dont have a say so in your child's life. If you get it in for the sex, get it in for the child and the mom. Remember she was good enough to sleep with at least once without protection.... someone will no doubt feel the same way about yours one day. If these ladies wont have the respect for themselves, have enough for yourself and your future. The Golden Rule remains: Do to others as you would want them to do to you (or yours).

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