Saturday, July 2, 2011

Real Talk III

Okay, so this subject s much harder for me as I do not claim to be or know intimately what makes a man tick. If I did, I would sell and sometimes donate the info to keep marriages together.... when its warrented. Here is what I do know. Men a re visual creatures. Because you are visual, your eyes are what you should be guarding the most. But the opposite is true. You look at whatever pleases you, which then goes straight to your head. Your "eyes wander" when you have a beautiful princess right at home. Why? Because you are limited creatures. This isnt a bad thing until you start believing you can do whatever on your own..... NEWS FLASH.... NO you cant!!!! Adam was given a helpmeet, not because he was not a manly man or because he didnt "fit the bill." But because God knew he wouldnt be able to finish HALF of what he was given to do without the one from his own rib.
Men, why do you believe that you are the head but then treat woMEN as the tail? Why do you believe that women should be more faithful than the geyser but yet you can run after everything with a "big butt and a smile?" This aint a Coke commercial! This is your life! Just as women are bitter after a break up that they didnt see coming, so men are equally as devastated and bitter if left alone to their own devices. Here is what the average man is known for.
At a young age, you are taught to look up girls skirts, not by someone showing you, but because of the laughter and high fives given when you do it for the first time. By the time you are 14-16 you are handed a condom. Whether you are told what to do or not, the expectation is you use it.... which most statistics are showing its not used. You are either a father because of conception or live birth by the time you have reached 20... some several times over but are taught to deny until the test results show *in my Maury voice* You ARE the father, yet you drop your pants for an Jane, Sarah and Michelle who has a short shirt or tight bottom.... heck if its a real she... you screwing her just to prove to others tha you can.
My question is, where are these you try to prove yourself to when child support comes around? Where are these so important people when your baby (ies) need diapers, bottles, formula or even care because the mama dont want em? Where are these ones who you MUST prove yourself to that you are not gay or that youcan "get it up" when you are in the clinic because the one you "got it in" with gave you something other than 30 seconds of bliss?? Lets face it, orgasm itself is a shorter time period than it takes to put your pants on. Is it worth all of that?
Lets skip ahead, what about the daughter(s) you have that run into the young "men" for lack of a better word, that treat them just like you have been their whole lives or like you treated their mama? Do you dare get upset and blow a fuse to get at that "fool" chasing after your lil hoodrat?? What you dont want her to be called that?? Well what about ho?? Slut?? Okay so what about her goin to the parties you went... or go to with someone else's daughter and getting the treatment you and your homies give them?? Dont like that idea? Well what's the difference? Because she is your? Who are you that your daughter is special and should be treated with the utmost respect when you didnt treat her/ her mom that way?
Here is the bottom line, keep your pants up high and your standards even higher and you wont have to feel like you dont have a say so in your child's life. If you get it in for the sex, get it in for the child and the mom. Remember she was good enough to sleep with at least once without protection.... someone will no doubt feel the same way about yours one day. If these ladies wont have the respect for themselves, have enough for yourself and your future. The Golden Rule remains: Do to others as you would want them to do to you (or yours).

Real Talk II

Man! So I just had a deep convo with one of my many adult kids and a light was shed for real! So Ima start with some questions: Why is a woman considered loose but a man a dog? Why do women stay with men that treat them wrong but flee from the ones who would treat them "right?" What does the "right" one look like and how do they treat you? And why do we in one minute worship the ground they walk on and then in the next hate that same ground.

Here is what the Real Talk is: We are so bent on being with someone that it sometimes doesnt matter who that person is. We dont realize the imperfections and things we normally wouldnt accept until its too late and then we are so deeply in "love" better known as lust that we excuse whats done to us most of the time. I say we and us because I was there for almost 10 years. This is what I know.

Women, I start with us ladies because we are the ones the enemy attacked first. Because his first words to Eve were a question, so mine are to you. Why does a dog return to its vomit? (Yes its pretty nasty but so can we be at times) The reason Proverbs says this is to line up the fact that when we return to the already dissolved, already taken care of WASTE which is no longer of use to us we are not that much better than a dog who doesn't know any better. Now Proverbs says that much like a dog who returns to its vomit, so is a fool that keeps doing the same thing!!!! It may not be with the same person but whatever you are allowing, whatever you keep returning to, whatever you keep wallowing in is THE SAME THING!! What we need to know is, the FIRST thing we need to know is we were made worthy because God loved us so much that He sent His ONLY Son to pay the debt that we rightly owe Him. Ladies when you lay down your body down for a man, or woman... but thats another Realk Talk session, let me let you in on what you really lay down. You lay down the right to be free from bondage, you lay down you dignity which is instilled in you but stifled from the enemy, you lay down the right to demand to be treated as a human and pick up being treated as a piece of cheap meat... (even a cheap turkey gets dressed up and nurtured in the oven before eaten), you lay down your gift that belongs to God until He BRINGS your husband to you, you lay down your soul to be tied to the man you lay down with, you lay down the opportunity to have a relationship for a 2 minute relation. Here let me make it pebble level for you Proverbs 11:22 says lie a gold ring in a pigs snout is a woman who shows NO discretion. Picture a pig having the expensive engagement ring you eye whenever you go into the jewelry store and dream of a man giving you in a romantic feet sweeping way. Why would a pig, dirty and nasty, only worrying about when it can eat again (lets not mention what they eat), wearing YOUR ring! Who put it there?? You did when you laid down.

God does not say dont have sex in the Bible... He only says to wait til He ordains it! And He is not going to ordain every new man you meet and wanna test like an expensive lemon on a used car lot. God says in His Word that it is not good for man to be alone... so He wants us to be with someone... but not EVERYONE or ANYONE! We women have become loose, bitter, angry and full of hatred towards men, when we are the ones to blame for our own hatred and misery. The man didnt tell you to do what he wanted, he only suggested and you accepted. He didnt make you join him in the lustful mockery of a relationship, you made that choice. He didnt get you pregnant on your own. Unless you were raped, you had your legs open for him. But now that same man who was the love of your life.... or night (lets be real) is now the disdain and cause of your misery because he is being just what he was when you were with him, you just couldnt see.... no wouldnt see it.

The good thing about Jesus is that He is the perfect man! He is who we need to be paying attention to when it comes to accepting a man. He never forces you to do a thing or forces himself on you, you have to choose Him. but once you do.... the romance never ceases. Even when you fall and commit adultery against Him, He still loves you and picks back up, takes the ring from the pigs nose, cleans it back up and gives it back to you. The song I just listened to, "Perfect Peace" by Marvin Sapp says it all.... "why should I be bound, when He has set me free?" I refuse... RE FUSE, to allow another man to hand me shackles to put back on myself! When will you choose freedom and peace instead of bondage and constant heartache covered over by instances of ecstasy?

Real Talk I

Okay so, just some things that been on my mind for a while as I status stalk on my newsfeed, which doesn't feed me at all. This is not for the easily offended and if it does not apply to you and you have negative comments, Ima ask you to keep em to yaself...

Young men, the pregnancy and STD rate has gone up in Omaha like through the roof. Since you are suppowsed to be the young leaders and future heads of households (yikes), Ima start with you. When are you going to learn that every young lady, whether she is throwing it around or not, is not your scratchin post??? Ya'll are screwing virtually everything that has 3 pairs and a hole but THE FIRST to scream it's not mine when she say she pregnant! If you hadnt screwed her there would have been no chance!!! If you had kept your other head covered, there would have been no need for her to come your way with "you my babydaddy and you know it!" And then how do you get upset when she says you are and then upset when the baby isn't yours? Make up your minds!!!! Here let's break it down pebble level: learn to piss or get off the pot, learn to step up to the plate or get off the field! This is not a game and trust you are messing with a daughter of the one true King and He is not pleased! This is your future but when you waste it on weed, alcohol and tootin every girl you see because you need to be validated for your own insecurities, then it's everyone else's.... Step up young men if you have kids and if you dont.... keep it that way.

Young ladies, you are not off the hook. If there was noone for the young men to sleep around with and pass around, there would be no STD's and preganacy would be how it should be, between husbands and wives. My issue I pick with you is the bitterness you shower on your kids because the man didnt stay when you thought he would. Instead he wound up with somebody else and you feel becaus eyou are the baby mama or at least the first, that you should always come first. No boo boo it doesnt work that way. If he cheated WITH you ON somebody else, he will cheat ON you WITH somebody else (read that 3 times). Stop validating yourself with what you have and choose to be worthy by who you are. You are loved by Someone you dont feel you have any business talking to or going into His house unless you are plastered with make up and a chip so high Denver has better altitude. Here is my pebble level to you: Find your worth... its not who you can get, its who you are. Make him wait!!!! The whole "I love you Boo, I want us to be closer" nonsense.... if he wants to be closer tell him to pull up a chair and pay attention to what you say, not what you got on!! You are worthy of so much more than being somebody's baby mama!! You were meant for more than that! But if you settle, dont take you anger out on the kids. They didnt ask to be here.... you did.