Monday, August 8, 2011

Desperately Seeking...

"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." Proverbs 18:22

I get so tired of hearing women say, "I'm looking for my husband." This Scripture clearly states what women need to do.... wait! There is no verse in the Bible that tells women to go looking for their lifetime mates. Yet we clean ourselves up; put on shirts too low, shorts and skirts too short, pants too tight and too low to hide what's under them. We kill our poor knees with 4-5 inch heels because we have been taught that men like that. We compromise, while testing the waters in our mate finding quest, and when it doesn't work we become angry, bitter and blame every man for one that was never meant to be ours!

Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:8 and Ephesians 5:31 all touch on men and women becoming one flesh. While this is intended for marriage, see where it states "wife," when you lay with a man, you are one. This is why it hurts so badly when there is a break up, which is why God, who loves us tremendously, commanded no immoral sexual acts, more bluntly, no fornication.

Both men and women are affected no matter what they say. Men become "harder" and treat women worse as time goes (there is ALWAYS that one that started it) and women become bitter and even take on the stance of if men can be dogs then so can I (been there done that). But that is not what was meant of us.

MEN get out there into life and find your wife, making your judgment based solely on God's guidelines and warnings. Women... WAIT!!! Stop being so impatient and tearing down men, saying they don’t know what they are missing! And when you have a good one... treat him as royalty because he is the son of the Most High God and has been sent by Him who loves and knows you!